
Preparing Wood for Interior Stain and Varnish

Proper preparation of interior wood surfaces is just as important as proper application. Taking the time at the start will ensure professional results at the finish.

New wood: 

• Remove all dirt, oils, grease and wax with paint thinner or other appropriate cleaners/dewaxers.
• Fill openings and nail holes with filler.
• Sand along grain of the wood, with sandpaper grit and tools appropriate to the particular project.
• Vacuum clean and/or wipe surfaces with a tack rag.

TIP: Never use steel wool to sand - small pieces can get trapped in the wood and varnishing may cause spots of rust staining as the steel wool corrodes.

Painted wood: 

• Remove all paint with chemical strippers (caustic strippers may discolour the wood), or by sanding.
• Once all paint is removed and surface is perfectly clean, treat as new wood.

Previously stained and/or varnished wood: 

• Remove all dirt, oils, grease and wax with paint thinner or other appropriate cleaners/dewaxers.
• If any signs of failure or if changing the colour, remove all old finishes down to bare wood with chemical strippers (caustic strippers may discolour the wood), or by sanding along grain of the wood, with sandpaper grit and tools appropriate to the particular project.
• Once previous finish is removed entirely (if required) and surface is perfectly clean, treat as new wood.

TIP: Always wear proper protective gear and mask off project room openings.